
This section of our website, while somewhat boring, is a very important part of our website. It contains several notices that you should be aware of before you access and use this website, or choose to conduct business with ITfamilyGroup or any of its partner or subsidiary companies or websites.

It provides you with a clear understanding of your legal rights, our legal rights, and important regulatory notices that are required by law that we provide our visitors, customers, and clients. If you are considering doing business with a company other than ours, and their website does not have these notices, there is a good possibility that you could experience a less than desirable outcome and not have any legal recourse in your relationship with them, if they are a non-compliant website/online business.

Your access and use of our website constitutes your implied acknowledgment and clear understanding that you have read and understand the notices under this section of our website's menu, and further, that you agree to abide by the terms, policies, and regulations governing the access and use of our products, services, and community involvement while using our website.

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