SSL Certificates and Website Security

  The Internet is an amazing virtual world. It is where the playing field for making money is leveled so that everyone who wants to promote something can do so. Whether you are an individual or a large company, you can be financially successful if you do things...
How to Choose a Winning Domain Name

How to Choose a Winning Domain Name

  WHY Take the Time to Choose a Good Domain Name? Choosing a domain name. It's on a long list of important steps a person must take in order to ensure their long-term success online. If you are like most people, you are probably thinking that it's not that big of...

CCI Approach to Decision Making

Strategic planning using the current critical issues (CCI) approach to decision making in business is a fairly new adaptation to administrative and managerial decision making. As a managerial planning process, it is really catching on among 21st-century business,...

Marketing Strategy Must Include Moms

  Those businesses that remain in business over the long term are businesses that have a coherent marketing strategy that drives their day to day marketing efforts. Every well thought out marketing strategy includes an analysis for every prospective demographic...
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